
Working Papers

Access to Education and Family Formation: Evidence from University Expansion in Nigeria 


How do greater education opportunities impact family formation? Using the rapid university expansion in Nigeria in the 2000s, I examine the influence of higher education on the marriage market, fertility and child development outcomes of women. My empirical analysis combines a self-constructed dataset on the timing and location of university openings with administrative and survey data, and uses a difference-in-differences estimator that exploits the regional and cohort-wise variation in exposure to the university expansion. I find that university openings improved years of schooling and educational attainment among school-aged women. It also delayed the timing of first marriage and childbirth of women. In addition, women had fewer births, and their children were more likely to have better development outcomes. I show suggestive evidence that these outcomes are driven by increased autonomy - women delay sexual activity, and are more likely to work, use contraception and have the final say over important decisions.

Female Schooling and Marriage Outcomes: Evidence from Nigeria’s Universal Primary Education Policy


This paper evaluates the impact of schooling expansion reforms on female education and marriage outcomes in Nigeria. Using evidence from Nigeria’s 1976 universal primary education reform, I implement a difference-in-differences design that exploits the variation in exposure to the reform across birth cohorts and localities. I find that the reform significantly increased educational attainment for women. Women with more schooling are less likely to be married,  delay marriage, and are more likely to be in polygamous unions. The spousal education gap increases but the reforms do not significantly impact the likelihood that a woman experiences domestic violence.

Work in Progress

with Belinda Archibong,  Francis Annan and Anja Benshaul-Tolonen.

'Cheap Talk?’ The Effects of Information Interventions on Gender Gaps in Online Labor Markets [RCT: AEARCTR-0008841]

with Belinda Archibong,  Francis Annan,  and Oyebola Okunogbe.

Motivating Teacher Effort in Kenyan Private Schools

with Alex Eble and Tim Sullivan.