
Labor Markets

Firm Culture: Examining the Role of Gender in Job Matching in an Online African Labor Market  [with Belinda Archibong,  Francis Annan, Oyebola Okunogbe and Anja Benshaul-Tolonen].

Can Information Interventions Close Gender Gaps in Online Labour Markets? [with Belinda Archibong,  Francis Annan, and Oyebola Okunogbe].

Higher Education in the United States


Tailored Support for First-Year, First-Generation College Students (Ithaka S+R, December 2024

[with Caroline Doglio and Dillon Ruddell]. 

Evaluating the Kessler Scholars Program (Ithaka S+R, July 2024

[with Caroline Doglio and Dillon Ruddell]. [Media Coverage]

Working Papers

Improving first-year outcomes for first-generation students: Student and staff perspectives on the role of pre-college summer engagement programs (Working Paper

[with Kristen Glasener, James Dean Ward, Elizabeth Davidson Pisacreta, Dillon Ruddell, and Caroline Doglio].

Shifting the burden? Estimating the effect of tuition freezes on graduate program enrollment and tuition levels (Working Paper

[with James Dean Ward, Cameron Childress, and Robert Kelchen].

Blog Posts

Paying It Forward: First-Generation Higher Ed Professionals Empowering Current First-Gen Students (Ithaka S+R, November 2024)

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Highlights from the 2024 Kessler Scholars Collaborative Annual Convening with Kristen Glasener (Ithaka S+R, August, 2024)

Announcing a New Partnership with the Kessler Scholars Collaborative with Lia Lumauig (Ithaka S+R, June 2022)

Education in low-resource contexts

Program Evaluation 

Developing Effective Private Education in Nigeria (DEEPEN) Baseline Report (ED0REN, April 2016)

[with Michele Binci, Saltanat Rasulova, Vegard Iversen, Rachel Outhred, Alina Lipcan, Shweta Bahri, Vinayak Uppal, and Ian MacAuslan] 

Study of ESSPIN'S Support to Capacity Development in Nigeria (ED0REN, November 2016)

[with Terry Allsop, Stephen Jones, Shefali Rai, and Michael Watts] [Policy Brief] [Blog Post]

Teacher Development Programme (TDP) Evaluation Framework and Plan (ED0REN, April 2014)

[with Sourovi De, Alex Hurrell, David Megill, and Ian MacAuslan] 

Thematic Research

Effective Teacher Management in Crisis Contexts (ERICC, September 2024)

 [with Joy Oballum, Gloria Olisenekwu, Danielle Falk, and Oladele Akogun] 

Public Financing of Basic Education in Nigeria (ESSPIN, August 2016)

[with Victor Steenbergen, Tochukwu Nwachukwu and Seember Nyager]

Comparative Review of Basic Education Reforms. Part Two: Country Case Studies (ED0REN, January 2016)

[with Alec Gersberg, Shefali Rai, Chidi Ezegwu, Ojo Antony, Kashim, Zipporah Panguru, Aleshin Olumayowa, Dita Nugroho, Chris Hearle, Gregory Elacqua and Fatima Alves]

Comparative Review of Basic Education Reforms. Part One: Synthesis of Findings (ED0REN, January 2016)

[with Alec Gersberg, Shefali Rai, Chidi Ezegwu, Ojo Antony, Kashim, Zipporah Panguru, Aleshin Olumayowa, Dita Nugroho, Chris Hearle, Gregory Elacqua and Fatima Alves]